Forschungs- & Publikationsdatenbank

Publikation Nr. 192 - Details

Jäkel, L. (2013). Interest and Learning in Botanics, as Influenced by Teaching Contexts, ESERA2013e_book_cypris (S.1-12). Cypris: ESERA.

Knowledge concerning flora and fauna species is a prerequisite for the development of a meaningful relationship between human beings and their environment and, on a conceptual-procedural competence level, results in the informed management of biotopes and ecosystems. However, graduates generally have little interest in flora, the ecological producers responsible for much of our livelihood. The understanding of nature and biodiversity throughout the general populace in Germany is currently not su

Art der Begutachtung: Peer Review(Double-blind peer review)
Print: Ja
Online: Ja, ohne Open Access
Datenmedium: Nein