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Publikation Nr. 85 - Details

Huneke, H. W. (2018). Tandem Language Learning: What it is, what it is for, and why, Mitmekeelne Haridus. Multilingual Education., 2(3), 17-20.

ISSN: 2585-4887

Learning a language requires communication. Normally, the purpose of authentic communication is to negotiate meaning using language in its cultural setting. In the case of language-learning classrooms, communication serves an additional purpose, which is to organize and support the learning process, and to do it in and for a group. This may result in a reduction in individual learners’ opportunities to play active roles in communication. In learning settings, there is a group of learne

Art der Begutachtung: kein Peer Review
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Online: Ja, mit Open Access aber ohne CC-Lizenz
Datenmedium: Nein