Forschungs- & Publikationsdatenbank

Publikation Nr. 851 - Details

Kalz, M. & Specht, M. (2013). If MOOCS are the answer, did we ask the right questions? Implications for the design of large-scale online-courses, Working paper 2013/25 (S.1-13). Maastricht, Netherlands: Maastricht School of Management.


In this conference contribution we deal with the phenomenon of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Based on summary of the state of the art we discuss aspects of the learning design of MOOCs that have not been sufficiently studied. More specifically we discuss the issue of diversity and support facilities in MOOCs. We introduce the concept of learning networks and learner support services that have been developed to enable personalized learning scenarios in large-scale online environments. We r

Art der Begutachtung: Peer Review
Print: Nein
Online: Ja, mit Open Access und CC-Lizenz
Datenmedium: Keine Angabe