TALE - Teachers' Assessment Literacy Enhancement
Projekt - Fak. 2 - Englisch
Kurzinhalt:The «Teachers' Assessment Literacy Enhancement» (TALE) project aims at creating an efficient and sustainable platform that educates and supports teachers of English and other foreign languages in the creation and implementation of innovative student performance evaluation methods in learning foreign languages.
The project is primarily targeted at foreign language learners and teachers, experts, academics and experts on education policy. The project’s platform is expected to contribute substantially to the quality of learning outcomes, as research has shown that teachers of foreign languages in Europe are lacking in certain professional skills, mainly due to inadequate training in the area of developing appropriate evaluation procedures and relevant evaluation materials. The network of the TALE project is composed of experts from Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Hungary and the United Kingdom. The implementation of the project will involve activities such as: the development of innovative educational materials and services using traditional and modern language evaluation methods, the cooperation and coordination of foreign language teachers and the expanding use of the evaluation platform in various European and international educational environments.
The project is funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus plus network.
Projektdauer:01.09.2015 bis 30.09.2018
Prof. Dr.  Vogt, Karin [Profil]
Fröhlich, Veronika [Profil]

In Zusammenarbeit mit:University of Cyprus
Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (HiOA)
Hellenic Open University
University of Debrecen
University of Bedfordshire
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Angehängte Dateien:
Erfasst von Veronika Fröhlich am 27.10.2018
Zuletzt geändert von Fröhlich, Veronika am 11.12.2019