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Publikation Nr. 1842 - Details

Huneke, H. W. & Wulff, N. (2019). Deutsch als (zweite) Fremdsprache und Sprachenpolitik im Kaukasus sowie in Zentralasien, Germanistische Diskurs- und Praxisfelder in Mittelosteuropa (S.125-141). Frankfurt: Peter Lang.

ISBN: 978-3-631-79146-2
DOI: 10.3726/b15852

This article points out the concrete educational and linguistic, economic and
scientific political framework conditions in a particular region. The development tendencies
which currently affect the learning of the German language in the countries/regions
of the Institutional German Studies Partnership will also be outlined and an interim
conclusion will be drawn. Subsequently, the language policy developments and their
consequences for foreign language teaching will be discussed, while also

Art der Begutachtung: kein Peer Review
Print: Ja
Online: Ja, ohne Open Access
Datenmedium: Nein